Dave has tentatively rebooked a few shows pending the outcome of his recovery from the accident on January 11. See the revised schedule here!
In the meantime, we've posted a list of all of Dave's appearances during the past two years.
On YouTube: Dave's full day job retirement show at JJ's Alley, Oklahoma City,
Hi, friends! As promised, another update. There’s not much to report as I continue to heal, but most of what I have to tell you is good.
The nerves in my thumbs and arms have recovered to the point that I can play guitar almost normally. I’ve been working on that, and I feel confident that I’ll able to play as well as I did before the accident. It’s been good to be able to get out and see a few of you, if only for short stretches at a time. Just being in your presence has done wonders for my morale, and I’m grateful to you for that. The physical therapy I’ve been doing at home seems to be paying off. I really am feeling a little better every day.
The elephant in the room remains. Since my last update, my ability to sing has barely improved at all. I’m trying not to dwell on it, but it’s been difficult not to worry. There never has been a timetable for my recovery, and I do have access to multiple vocal coaches if the situation persists. God grant me patience, and grant it to me NOW…
I should know more about things the next time I update you. My follow up appointments begin next week, starting with the folks who reassembled my face. I have noticed a minor change in my vision, and it may actually have improved! We’ll see. The big one - consultation with my neurosurgeon - is scheduled for the 20th. Your prayers and well wishes continue to be appreciated, and I hope to see you all again soon!
Dave at home, February 6.
Every other week, Dave goes in depth on an original song, shares the story behind it, and gives you the opportunity to listen to it on Spotify. New episode just posted!
Dave Laurence is a seasoned performer who has been making music since the 1970s. Get to know him here.
Dave has recorded three albums. A fourth release, Chrome On The Range, is in the works pending Dave's recovery.
Click below to explore Dave's
Fun Acoustic Music!
The Photo Gallery features pics of Dave playing live through the years. His YouTube channel contains live performances, a full length documentary, and several short features.
This section has info for industry professionals (and anyone else) interesting in having Dave perform at their venues.